Before proceeding, deck surfaces should be completely blasted to the substrate.

Degrease bare aluminum with ALEXSEAL Surface Degreaser (A9091) using the “Two Rag Cleaning Method”.

To achieve optimum adhesion and performance, previously painted and new aluminum should be ground with 36 - 60 grit and/or sand blast prepared to a 3 - 4 mil (75 – 100 microns) profile and a very clean, silver/white surface.

DO NOT wipe the surface with rags after blasting or grinding. The aluminum surface will snag fibers, which will act as wicks through the protective primer and could decrease corrosion resistance.

Abraded aluminum surfaces should be cleaned using clean, dry compressed air and a bristle broom to remove all dust before product application.

Application of ALEXSEAL Protective Primer 161 should occur within 12 hours of the abraded or blasted metal preparation. Before each subsequent product application, all surfaces should be cleaned using clean, dry compressed air and clean rags to remove all dust and contaminants.

Overview of Steps to Prime & Fair The Aluminum Substrate:

  1. Apply ALEXSEAL Protective Primer 161 per TDS recommendations or refer to Protective Primer 161 instructions in “Substrate Preparation & Priming
  2. Optional: Apply ALEXSEAL Fairing Compound 202 as needed to achieve the desired fairing quality level. Fair the surface per TDS recommendations or refer to Fairing Compound 202 instructions within “Fairing”.
  3. Optional: Apply ALEXSEAL Super Build 302, Fine Filler 303 or Protective Primer 161 as needed. Apply products per TDS recommendations or refer to instructions for Super Build 302 and Fine Filler 303 in “Surfacing” or Protective Primer 161 in “Substrate Preparation & Priming”.
  4. The surface is now sealed and ready for the teak deck preparation and installation.