Fairing is the process of creating or shaping a smooth line, edge or surface, free of hollows or bumps. ALEXSEAL Fairing Compound 202, Super Fair 212, Fairing Compound 242, Fine Filler 303, Super Build 302, Spray Fair 328 and Deckfiller 252 are superior products for fairing surfaces above and below the waterline.
ALEXSEAL Fairing Systems
ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds are used to fill and fair surface imperfections prior to applying Fine Filler 303, Super Build 302, and Spray Fair 328.
It is critical that no polyester filler is applied directly below or directly on top of ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds. Polyester fillers are not designed for heavy filling or fairing. It is also important that Fairing Compound is not applied over caulk or any other soft product.
The substrate must be clean, dry and free from dust, grease, oil and other contamination. The substrate should be properly prepared as described in „Substrate Preparation & Priming“.
The components of the ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds have different colors to control the mixing process. After mixing, the color of the fillers should be a homogeneous color. If the base and converter are not mixed thoroughly, it could result in an improperly cured batch. Mixing can be done mechanically with slow turning dough mixers, specially designed mixing machines or manually.
DO NOT use drill mixers. The introduction of air bubbles should be avoided.
The fairing material is easily applied by spatula or trowel with careful attention to avoid the introduction of air pockets. Applying the product to the surface in thin layers of approximately 5mm (1/4“) and working up to the desired thickness before pulling the product out with a straight edge, will help avoid creating air pockets in the applied product.
For equipment cleaning, use ALEXSEAL Epoxy Primer Reducer R4042. ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds should be block sanded with 36 – 120 grit. Block sanding with 80 grit or finer will help prevent sand scratch print-through in the finished system.
Procedure for application of ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds
Using a straight edge, check the surface for low spots. Mark any areas over 0.4mm (1/64th of an inch) with a standard pencil.
Mix base and converter, 1 to 1 by volume. Apply to the surface with a trowel or putty knife, spreading the material sideways where needed and pull smooth with a straight edge. Allow to cure overnight.
Using a board sander and 36 – 60 grit sandpaper, sand the surface. Check the surface with a straight edge and mark the low areas with a pencil. Remove all sanding dust and residue. All sanding dust must be removed before proceeding.
Re-trowel areas marked with pencil and repeat steps 1, 2, and 3. When applying more than one application of ALEXSEAL Fairing Compound, it is necessary to sand and remove all sanding dust to assure good adhesion. Continue the process until any depressions are fair or less than 0.4mm (1/64th of an inch).
Remove all surface dust and residue. All surface dust and residue must be removed before proceeding.
After the surface is faired to the desired quality with ALEXSEAL Fairing Compound, it must be covered with ALEXSEAL Super Build 302. Alternatively, Fine Filler 303 or Spray Fair 328 may be used as needed before the application of Super Build 302. Proceed to the appropriate portion of the Fairing or Surfacing sections for further instruction on applying Spray Fair 328, Fine Filler 303 and Super Build 302.
Full fairing systems require a heavily abraded substrate. Thin fairing system of less than 3 mm (0.125“-0.012“) will require a less aggressive profile to anchor the system. When using ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds over metal substrates, optimum mechanical and corrosion resistance values are achieved by proper surface preparationa dn substrate priming with ALEXSEAL Protective Primer 161. ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds may be applied directly to Protective Primer 161 without sanding for up to 6 months. When applying over GRP substrates, use ALEXSEAL Super Build 302, Finish Primer 442, or Protective Primer 161 over a properly prepared surface.In some situations Fairing Compound may be applied directly to a properly prepared gelcoat or fiberglass surface without protective priming. All ALEXSEAL Primers, except 161 (see „Technical Data Sheets“) should be sanded with 60 – 80 grit after drying overnight, and before application of ALEXSEAL Fairing Compound.
ALEXSEAL Fairing Compounds must NOT be reduced.
ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 Fairing System
ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 is an epoxy-based, sprayable filler surfacer for yachts that require filling and fairing. ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 has good application, sanding and anti-sagging properties. It is designed to be easy to mix and apply, while the cured film provides a good surface for re-coating with other ALEXSEAL products. ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 can be used for surfaces above the waterline only.
ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 is used to fill and fair surface imperfections prior to applying Super Build 302.
It is critical that no polyester filler is applied directly below – or directly on top of – ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328. Polyester fillers are not designed for heavy filling or fairing.
The substrate must be clean, dry and free from dust, grease, oil and other contamination. The substrate should be properly prepared as described in “Substrate Preparation & Priming”.
To ensure optimum adhesion, the substrate must be properly prepared before priming to ensure system adhesion. Full fairing systems require a heavily abraded substrate. Thin fairing systems of less than 3 mm (0.125” - 0.012”) will require a less aggressive profile to anchor the system. Priming is required on most substrates before application of ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328. For metal substrates, optimum mechanical and corrosion resistance values are achieved by proper surface preparation and substrate priming with an ALEXSEAL Protective Primer. For GRP substrate, use ALEXSEAL Finish Primer 442 or Super Build 302. The ALEXSEAL Protective Primer should be sanded with 60 - 80 grit after drying for over 24 hours, and before application of ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328. Follow the recoat times listed in the appropriate “Technical Data Sheets” for instructions on applying ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 over another primer without sanding in less than 24 hours.
ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 is formulated to be applied by spray gun. It is a very thick, yet sprayable material that requires using a large nozzle and a pressure pot or airless/ air assist system for proper application. Refer to the appropriate “Technical Data Sheets” for additional application specifications.
The components of ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 have different colors to ensure thorough mixing. After mixing, the color of the material should be a homogeneous tan color. If they are not mixed thoroughly, it could result in an improperly cured batch. Mixing can be done mechanically with a slow turning dough mixer or manually. The mixing in of air bubbles should be avoided.
For details concerning the application of the product please refer to the technical data sheet of the product.
ALEXSEAL Spray Fair 328 is a solvent-based sprayable fairing compound. Solvent entrapment can be caused by heavy film thickness when over coating too quickly with the same product or other products, and by low temperature or slow drying time. Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. will not accept liability for any damages.
Use the “Paint Application Protocol” to document your application process, equipment settings and environmental conditions for future reference. We’d recommend you make photo copies or print copies from the online resources available.
ALEXSEAL Deckfiller 252 Fairing System
ALEXSEAL Deckfiller 252 is a solvent-free, epoxy-based, light-weight filler to be used for the fairing of decks prior to the application of teak deck systems. ALEXSEAL Deckfiller 252 has excellent mixing, application and sanding properties. It is designed to be easy processible, while the cured film provides a reliable base for the final decking of the yacht.
ALEXSEAL Deckfiller 252 is used for fairing of the ready primed steel or aluminum deck.
The material can be easily applied by spatula or trowel; inclusion of air pockets should be avoided. Applying the product to the surface in layers up to 10mm and working up to the desired thickness before pulling the product out with a straight edge, will help avoid creating air pockets in the applied product.
After drying sand to a smooth, even surface. Seal off with Protective Primer 161 before starting to glue the final decking.
ALEXSEAL Deckfiller 252 must NOT be reduced.
For details concerning the application of the product please refer to the technical data sheet of the product.