The Most Beautiful Boat in the Marina
12 Year Old Topcoat Still Beats All Other Finishes
Outstanding high gloss is probably the most obvious quality characteristic that a finish brings with it. A yacht, no matter what size, which glides shining and reflecting through the water, makes the heart of the owner beat faster and provides for astonished looks of all spectators.
Image © Owner MY Sile Ale →
By chance, we received pictures of the motor yacht SIL ALE, built in 2009, which found her home on the “Bodensee” (Lake Constance) in Germany.
Until 2021, the steel motor yacht has been in the water with her first paint job in Cashmere Brown. The owner proudly reports on the gloss stability of the paint and praises the still excellent gloss level. Despite the age of the first paint job, his boat is still the best looking boat in the marina. After 12 years, the SIL ALE is now getting a new paint job. May she make her owner shine again for a long time!
Have a look at this beautiful and long-lasting finish.
↖ ↑ Images © Owner MY Sile Ale