Many Chances for the First Impression

When you think of painting or repainting your beauty, you give much thought to choosing the right color or combination of colors to have her dressed perfectly for these settings. Our solid color card and metallic color card are well-known and helpful tools. Color chips give you a good impression of the color shades.

But there is still a difference between looking at rectangle color chips and getting an impression of the colors dressing your yacht. That is why we brought the Alexseal Color Configurator (ACC) to life.

Fast & Intuitive Interface

  • It’s your choice which kind of yacht you start your configuration on. The ACC offers you five yacht types: a sailing yacht, motor yacht, picnic boat, sportfish yacht, and superyacht – all on the water.
  • There are three areas for personalization: the hull, the superstructure, and the bootstripe. The combination of these areas is essential for the overall appearance of your yacht.
  • The ACC offers the full range of metallic and solid colors, 121 shades in total, from Snow White to Piano Black, from Venetian Red to Lambo Orange, and from Stardust Silver to Dolphin Blue.

It’s your life, your choice, your color.

5 different Yacht Types

Motor Yacht, Saling Yacht, Picnic Boat, Sportfish & Superyacht

121 Colors

In Metallic and Solid Shades

Countless Combinations

To Create Your Individual Surface Design

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